Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Yet another day the shop. A dreary but warm Wednesday. Ken's about to start a cover up of a large scar..can't watch, since it's a bit more intimate than most people are willing to be open to others seeing. That's always an interesting concept-the idea of being private about your body. We all have the same body parts, people. we all had sex ed, in high school. So why are people still so self conscious of their body? Everyone was created in the eye of their Maker, not to mention, that there are genetic traits that are taken into consideration. Deal with it. You're beautiful the way you are, why are people so fixated on appearances? Well, that's self-explantory..

Humans are naturally visual creatures. If you take away our sight, we'd be even more bumbling fools. Honestly though, if i were to lose a sense, it would indeed be my sight. All other senses are magnified and art would definitely be interesting to create considering i would have no clue as to what it looks like...That's always an interesting practice-blind contour drawings or sketches. Try it. Find an object and set up an easel. As soon as the pencil/brush/pen touch that paper, you focus solely on the subject matter and cease to look at the paper. People cheat, though. What comes of it, is actually pretty interesting. It's testing your memory and your hand/eye coordination to see how accurate you can be without looking at the paper. It's fun.

But i digress. people are so concerned with their appearances, and of course, i can understand. i am a woman and my profession is that of art, whether it be body or fine. it's pretty difficult to just be happy with the bodies we're in, that house our souls and minds. But honestly. If we don't care for our bodies properly and show it the respect it demands, then does that not add to the self consciousness we feel? I always took my body for granted, until i broke my ankle in July by jumping off a cliff to prove a point that a woman was equal to a man..yeah not so much. Let me tell you, i've never realized how much i needed my legs to do just every day normal tasks. to be crippled temporarily..i'm so relieved to be walking again! but i digress again. i mean, women are subjugated to the throes of fashion and for what? who are others to judge us? Women, who actually have shapely womanly bodies. Why would we want to be anything but?

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